Satu Persen for International Organization

Satu Persen is an educational startup, as well as the largest life-school platform in Indonesia. We focus on educating mental health issues, self development, and life-skills.

Currently, we have more than 1 million followers all over our social media.

As a life-school, Satu Persen aspires to create a society that lives to the fullest by teaching important things in life that are not taught in conventional schools. One of Satu Persen population targets for cooperation is international organization through Satu Persen for International Organization program.


Content Collaboration

You can collaborate with Satu Persen to create contents for social media, such as Podcast, Instagram Live, Facebook Live, infographics, and many more which will be uploaded in Satu Persen's platform with the topic agreed by both sides. The topics discussed are around current issues, mental health, self-development, and life skills.


powered and provided by Life Skills Indonesia

Organizing events related to online webinars and offline training on topics that are in accordance with Satu Persen's curriculum - equipped with a stress tracker, psychological tests, worksheets, and so on.

Psychological First Aid (PFA)

We can provide first aid services to people with psychological problems to prevent the deterioration of one's mental health from traumatic events, for example victims of natural disasters, survivors, and so on.

Mindfulness Meditation Session

Piled up to-do lists can cause overthinking and stress of your employees which can hinder your company performance. Mindfulness Meditation Session is a sound recording product provided by Satu Persen as an effort to approach psychotherapy with the aim of making your employees' minds calm and peaceful. In this session, your employees will be given variety of intriguing topics that can assist them in carrying out all their activities well.

Contact Us:

Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: 0851-5079-3079 (Whatsapp, chat only)
Whatsapp Alternative: 0851-7537-4878 (Whatsapp, chat only)
Google Form Speaking Engagement :
Google Form Content Collaboration :


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